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School Shootings and General Gun Statistics in the United States

Information Page

There have been 22 fatal K-12 school shootings in the US since 1990 in which two or more people were killed, not counting suicide by the perpetrator.

Source: USA Today

"Over the past quarter-century, on average about 10 students are slain in school shootings annually."

There have been 306 gun-related incidents at schools in the US since 2013 (over 60 per year).

Source: Everytown Research

There have been 32 fatal K-12 school shootings in the US since 1998, resulting in 131 total deaths.

Source: CNN News

The 32 shootings do not include isolated suicides, gang-related incidents, or deaths resulting from interpersonal conflicts.

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control in Congress, 2016

Source: OpenSecrets

Gun Control

Money to Congress by Party

Democrats: $1,679,777

Republicans: $29,063

Others: $4,000


Gun Rights

Money to Congress by Party

Democrats: $106,191

Republicans: $5,604,329

Others: $7,365




There are an estimated 300 million guns in the United States

Source: BBC News

These guns are held by about one-third of the population.


"There are nearly enough guns for every man, woman, and child in the country."

Source: CBC News

Between 1968 and 2011, more Americans were killed by guns in the US than were killed in every US conflict since the Revolutionary War.

Source: BBC News

Domestic US deaths from firearms between 1968-2011: 1.4 million
US deaths in every military conflict from the Revolutionary War to the War in Iraq: 1.2 million

The number of gun murders per capita in the US in 2012 was nearly 30 times that in the UK.

Source: BBC News

Gun Murders per Capita in 2012:

US - 2.9 per 100,000

UK - 0.1 per 100,000


Percent of Total Murders by Firearm in 2012: 

US - 60%

Canada - 31%

Australia - 18.2% 

UK - 10%

The US spends more than $1 trillion per year defending itself against terrorism.

Source: BBC News

"Terrorism kills a tiny fraction of the number of people killed by ordinary gun crime."


Average yearly deaths in the US (2001-2011) from gun violence: 11,101

Average yearly deaths in the US (2001-2011) from terrorism: 517*


*Excluding the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01, there were only 17 terrorism-related deaths per year during that time frame. 

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